Sunday, November 21, 2010


Yesterday my Mom and I got to see the Radio City Rockettes! (they're the ladies that era famous for putting their arms around each other and kicking really high. In high heels!) They were doing their world tour and were putting on their Christmas show.
My favorite part was the reindeer.
This (I think) is their ad. We pulled this picture off of the internet, since we couldn't take pictures at the show.  We got these pictures from a friend of mom's, who took pictures during the show.

This is them kicking.

bye! bye!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Book vs. Face

I forgot to tell you yesterday that I got hit in the head with a book on Friday.
A boy in my class was running to put his book up (he wasn't supposed to be running) and tripped on something (probably the rug). When he fell he flung the book (it was cardboard) and it hit me in the face. One corner hit my forehead the other hit my nose. :(
Luckily I don't have a black eye my nose didn't even hurt but my forehead hurts to touch and I have a small bump. But the mark is smaller than it was yesterday.


Friday, November 12, 2010

Cool Photos

I have to make this short because it's bedtime. we went to see Joseph And His Amazing Tecnicolored Dream Coat at the high school today. It was AMAZING!!! I recomend it. It's playing tomorrow. Anyway I have some cool photos:
Of coarse it didn't fit, they're animals!

Get it? they're sand witches like what we eat. No no no we don't eat the people we eat the food. :D


Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Here are some pictures from Halloween night and our school party.
My cute kitty cat face! :)
Our Halloween snacks that a kid in my class brought. By the way one of my best friends was a hippie singer and the other was a black widow spider.

Sorry for the short post but the only picture of my friends's costumes wouldn't show up in the right place.

bye bye!