So today to get started I'll do a little updating: I'm now 13 and in 7th grade at Prairie Hills Middle School.
I love theater, and was involved with my school's drama club this past fall. Over the summer I took horseback riding lessons and loved them!
I got to ride a lovely mare named Fanny, and she was wonderfully patient!
Last spring I participated in Product Fair, a fair for students in the gifted program. My project was about my ancestry, my great-great grandmother wrote a book so that her decendents would know where we came from. Her family left their homeland when she was not much older than I am! It was truly fascinating!
Last September, when the state fair came to town, I got to ride a camel!
And I also got a henna tattoo!
Both experiences were wonderful!This next photo is what I wore when we went out to eat for my birthday:
And this is my dog Muddy's favorite place in the world, on my beanbag chair, with my comforter, with her favorite toy:
Okay, I think that's about it for tonight. I do have school in the morning after all. Sorry for all the pictures, I wanted to make sure I didn't forget anything. Thanks for sticking with me, dear readers!