Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My Dog Is As Sick As A Dog

Sorry that I did not wright yesterday I had a good reason for it though. My dog Muddy was terribly sick but is much better today. She was running a fever that was 105.8 the highest fever the vet has treated that lived was 107.2! Not that much higher! She wouldn't even stand up! Anyway I want to share some photos of sculptures I've made.


  1. I love your sculptures. I'm especially impressed at how realistic the dog tongue looks. That must have been challenging.
    I have a Chocolate Lab named Carnie. She is very much a part of our family and I would have been very scared if she was that sick. I hate it when any of my children are sick, be they human or furry! Glad she is better. Can't wait to see her and her babies on Friday. I LOVE puppies, so I hope they like to cuddle.

  2. Nice sculptures! You did the whiskers really well on the cat. 105.8 seems like a really high temperature! I wonder what a normal temperature is for a dog. I hope Muddy is feeling better. You have a really neat blog - I love your pictures of the puppies!! They're adorable.
