Sunday, October 24, 2010


This past weekend (and Friday) we went to Oklahoma so Daddy could race. But we got rained out on Friday and Saturday and today. Friday we spent the day in the truck until they finally called it for the day at around 2:00. Saturday we did the agsact same thing. But today was different. We got up late because we knew that Daddy wouldn't race untill tomorrow. Then Daddy's friend called and said that the track was refunding your money if you wanted to leave. Daddy wanted to leave because he was worried that he wouldn't get to race untill Tuesday and he didn't want to stay that long. Anyway after they called it for Saturday we went to a museum. So here are some pictures from our weekend:
                                  Me and Daddy pretending to hold up the leg of a mammoth statue.
Yes that writing does actually say "Norman Crysler/Jeep/Dodge lied to us to make this sale."
I thought this guy looked like he was saying hi.
That's all for tonight. Oh and on Halloween I'll try to post pictures of me in my costume!


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Trip to the Corn Maze

My class went to the Gaddert Farms corn maze.
Here are the photos my mom took.
  Me (in the red) helping with a lesson a lady gave us on soil in Kansas.
Me (again in the red) jumping on the awesome jumping pillow that they have in the play area.
Me (do I have to keep saying that I was wearing red?) and my buddy in the corn maze.
Me looking out over the maze from the big wood bridge.

well bye till I post next!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

New News

I have LOADS of news!  (well kind of)
1. My daddy pulled my tooth! The tooth fairy brought me a new book even though I forgot to write her a note and left my tooth at home on the counter! I quess she knows where you are when you are there without a note.
2. Daddy found a four leaf clover!
By the way I am currently posting this from a hotel in Kansas City.
3. I got to eat ice cream out of a little toy plastic Royals hat.

OK I really have to go now Daddy would like to be at the race track tomorrow by 8:30 


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

weird photos

Hey do you want to see some cool pictures?
I'm getting some from my Mom's "to show class" folder.

                               Get it? because cows make milk and milk makes ice cream bars!
                                     It's in Budapest.

                                                  It's a unicorn literally!
                                    Get it, it's a unicorn because it has a cob of corn on it's head!
And yes the top one is a real scuplture on a real street.
And yes the bottom one has been messed with on the computer. I think that someone had a horse picture and a corn picture and put them together on the computer.

bye! bye!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Cool Pictures

Sorry haven't posted in a while. We've been busy.
Anyway we're going racing sometime soon and I'm excited about that!

On to the pictures. I have some really cool ones to share.
              Cool huh? It looks like they're running through the wall! It's like the wall isn't there.

I would post some more but it's like 9:30 so I should probably go to bed because I have school tomorrow.  BOOOO!


Saturday, October 2, 2010

Buhler Frolic

Today was Buhler Frolic. My cousin and I made a float out of a golf cart. It looked like a hay bale. it was soooo much fun! The picture above is our float. Oh and I got stung by a wasp. We thought I was terribly alergic to their sting because my grandpa is. And I'm terribly alergic to mascito bites. But as it turns out I'm not! YAY! The wasp landed on my head and I (not knowing it was a wasp) tryed to swat it out of my hair. And it stung my finger. I ran to mom and we ran to the corner we stoped there to deside whether or not to go home. Mom thought that if I was going to have an alergic reaction I should do it at the frolic so we could get help faster. But as it turned out I didn't have one. So we speed walked all the way home and got a sting kill wipe. (it stops the venom) Anyway the pain went away within 5 minutes. Oh and yesterday my friend and I painted faces.
That is me with my face painted to be a magic cat. We didn't have black or white so we subsatuted.