Saturday, October 2, 2010

Buhler Frolic

Today was Buhler Frolic. My cousin and I made a float out of a golf cart. It looked like a hay bale. it was soooo much fun! The picture above is our float. Oh and I got stung by a wasp. We thought I was terribly alergic to their sting because my grandpa is. And I'm terribly alergic to mascito bites. But as it turns out I'm not! YAY! The wasp landed on my head and I (not knowing it was a wasp) tryed to swat it out of my hair. And it stung my finger. I ran to mom and we ran to the corner we stoped there to deside whether or not to go home. Mom thought that if I was going to have an alergic reaction I should do it at the frolic so we could get help faster. But as it turned out I didn't have one. So we speed walked all the way home and got a sting kill wipe. (it stops the venom) Anyway the pain went away within 5 minutes. Oh and yesterday my friend and I painted faces.
That is me with my face painted to be a magic cat. We didn't have black or white so we subsatuted.

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