Sunday, September 26, 2010

Haven't Posted in a While.

Sorry haven't posted in a while because I keep forgetting. but anyway will try to make it up to you with . . . PICTURES and good news updates. So lets get going. First up the news.

I'm making a float for buhler frolic. It's going to look like a giant hay bale to advertize my grandpa's farming business.
It's going to be made out of a golf cart, wood, and cardboard.
My cousin and I are going to drive it, well more like him I'll be riding and waving!
Second up is the pictures.

                        My Dad pretending to be taller than the state capital building!
                                  Next up some pumpkins from last year. 

                            Oh and by the way I have four options for what to be.

         1. A cat, Mom will get me a black shirt and I have black pants to wear if I want to be this, and Mom can paint my face.

2. A princess, we bought the costume last year for my dress up box.

3. A night fairy, we bought this and number four last year thinking that I would be one then and one this year.

4. A witch, I was this last year but I had H1N1 and only went to like three houses so nobody really saw me.

 I'll try to post tomorrow or later tonight. Oh and I'm making a puppy pumpkin I'll be sure to post pictures of the final product.

And now for the puppy update. They are getting soooooo big. And they are nose and hair biters but still cute. Oh and we only have two boys left. One is calm and brown but still hard to hold and the other is black and fiesty and even harder to hold. what makes them  so hard to hold is their size and energy. But again still cute.
And again reeallyy sorry about not posting.   :(  :(  :(

O.K. I really got to go get dressed now before I think of anything else to say.   ;)  (yes it is really ten o clock and yes I am still in my p.j.s what it's a Sunday.)

P.S. tell every one you know that reads this that I'm posting again.  Please?
I don't want to lose readers

P.P.S  Tell me what you think about any of my posts in the comments I always read the new ones.  :)



  1. I can't wait to see you in the parade. You and Justin will have the best float in the parade. I will watch you from my front yard since you will go right past my house.

  2. I love the pumpkins!! Definitely my favorite part of Halloween (besides the candy, of course). I've never made a float before - sounds fun though. Have a great time at the Frolic tomorrow!
