Sunday, September 5, 2010

Picture Sunday!

Hey just so you know the post labels are supposed to be picture labels.
Today was a normal Sunday,
 oh ya and we had lunch at my Grandma and Grandpa's house. That was a lot of fun!  :)
I guess I'll share some pictures.
Here it goes!

The first one is me and Muddy when she was little. Muddy's little face looks like a pugs face! And she is on a leash, and I'm on the other end of it, And I'm not on my belly! YAY! It's a miricale! 

The second one is me and my cousin Jesse at Disney World.  We are getting ready to go home.  :( BOOOO! I want to be there right now! ( closing eyes and crossing fingers) Man it didn't work  :(

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