Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday March 6 2011

I couldn't think of a title for this post so I just put the date. Nothing inportent has happened lately so on to the pictures! I just found out something very disapointing, on this computer I can't upload pictures. :(
Oh well I guess I will tell you about Chichi the stuffed cheetah. So around a week ago Mommy and I made this cute little stuffed cat out of pink cheetah print felt and I named her Chichi. Iwill have to post photos sometime.

Have you found any/ done any cute crafts lately? please tell me in the comments!

Oh I almost foreot to tell you. I'm also in the middle of making some animal hand puppets for my cousins. I'll post in a little again in a little while to show you my voki and hopefully some pictures.(I'll also explain more in what voki is and give you a link to the website.)     

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