Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Summer To-Done List

School starts tomorrow and I'm super nervous, but I also think it will be so exciting, because I'm going into 5th grade and I have a new teacher.  I'm physically ready - I have all of my stuff packed - but I'm not mentally ready.  I'm still in summer mode.
Here are some of the fun things I did this summer:
*went to Kansas City to a Royals game.
*went swimming.  A lot.
*I learned how to dive down to the bottom of the pool and put my chin on the floor.
*went to the zoo in Wichita.
*went to visit Great-Grandma in Nebraska with all of the cousins.
*had one of my best friends over a lot.
*reread The White Giraffe series of books by Lauren St. John.

What did you do for fun this summer?  Please tell me in the comments!  :)

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