Tuesday, March 27, 2012

2nd Try

Well, in the end I kind of tapered off there didn't I?
Let's try this again. Shall we?

I have some things to update, so let's get right to it!

First, I have a pet rat named Nikki. ( I used to have another one as well, her name was Maggie. But she died.)
Anyway, we still have our dog Muddy.
I still adore almost all animals (bugs = yuck!) and dream of being a vet.

My favorite color has changed from pink to orange. And I love to ride my scooter.

I always enjoy getting comments!
I'll try to post tommorow

1 comment:

  1. You will make a wonderful vet someday! I would bring my pets to you. :)
    Orange seems to be a very popular color this season. I think of orange as a "happy" color.
