Monday, April 30, 2012

Snakes Alive!

So the other day, mom and I were in the garden and suddenly we spotted at least seven snakes poking their little heads out of the railroad ties that border our garden. Mom freaked out! It was so funny! OOH! And while we're on the subject of snakes, once I was face to face with a black mamba! Well,I guess it was behind glass but still. It was in a whole building full of snakes, lizards and bugs in tanks. I've even had a few pet snakes, most of them caught around my house or out at my dad's shop. this is a garden dwelling garter snake:
Well, I have an erupting model volcano to build, so (Sigh!!) Bye for now!

1 comment:

  1. You might see another comment from me because I already posted a comment, but I'm not really sure that it got on here because when I looked on here it said zero comments. So anyway, I was at the product fair and saw you, but I didn't get a chance to look at your project, but my mom said it was really good. She picked up one of your business cards and here I am! Love your blog!
