Sunday, May 27, 2012

Elephant Project

So I have this little toy elephant calf, and the other day I had an idea... I would take it with me (Along with my camera of course!) when I went somewhere, and take pictures of the elephant in poses. My elephant still needs a name and a makeover. (hello spray paint!, and plastic jewels!) And speaking of going places, today Dad, Mom and I went to Wilson Lake and Mushroom Rock. Here Mom and I are beside Wilson Lake:
Bad day to wear a skirt on my part. (It was VEERRY windy!) Here I am on top of really big boulder:
And here I am on top of another big rock:
(I just love that outfit:), kinda' quirky!) And here is Mushroom Rock itself:
I'll have more photos next time, after I empty out the media card on my camera. They will probably be random and date back to Christmas. Don't you just love me and my random photos? :)

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