Thursday, February 27, 2014

I Hate My Sinuses!

     Have you ever realized that when you blow your nose in a relatively quiet room, everyone turns to look? (At least, that is what 7th graders do) I have spent the past week experiencing that incredibly often. It is slightly embarrassing for some reason, though I don't quite know why, I think that I just don't like the feeling of people watching me like that. So as you have probably guessed by now, I have a cold. And as annoying as it is, at least it is nothing worse!
      Anyway, in my late night television watching lately, I've discovered that my favorite show from weekday mornings when I was little, is on at ten on Hub channel! The show is called Sabrina The Teenage Witch. I get that I may be the only person who likes the show, I'm okay with that. :)

Also, I'm in the middle of a book called Elsewhere, and I'd totally recommend it! basically, the plot is that a 15 year old girl named Liz dies in a car crash and goes on to the afterlife, called Elsewhere. Where she meets/lives with her grandmother. In Elsewhere people age backwards from the day they die, and when they are a baby again they are sent back to Earth to begin again. Most people are older, and therefor okay with that, but Liz isn't, she wants to go to prom, get married, get a job, and get her driver's license!

Well, I have math homework and other loose ends to tie up, Bye!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Sun? Is that you?

So, this winter has been exceptionally frigid. Apparently it has something to do with the polar vortex. Now normally I can handle cold pretty well, I'd actually rather be cold than hot, but I don't think that anyone likes to wait at a bus stop when it is -12 degrees Fahrenheit!

But today was lovely, it was 50 something degrees in the afternoon and Mom and I could actually go without coats! Sadly we had to run errands in town and didn't get to be outside for very long. (We did however buy me a new coat and an Easter dress, so that makes up for it!) But we took advantage of the weather when we got home, sitting on the porch with our books. It was wonderful! And most of next week is supposed to be just as warm, if not warmer!

Oh! I almost forgot! Look at my new shoes! they were delivered yesterday, after a few ordering complications.

They are from Tigerbear Republik, a small company based in China, I believe. These shoes have amazing details, and they are super comfortable! The interior has sugar skull fabric in it! The soles are orange, I just forgot to photograph them.

Well, my flute isn't going to practice itself!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Snowy Days

Last night it started snowing, just little flurries but enough to see in the street lamps. Then the call came that they had canceled school for today, Mom and I did a victory dance, much to Dad's amusement. When I got up this morning there was quite a lot of snow already, maybe five inches. It kept snowing for most of the day, creating some really quite beautiful scenes.

 (All of these photos are from last year, I didn't have any photos from today/this year. This year it looks kind of like those photos, maybe a little less deep, though I'm not quite sure, as I haven't been out of the house yet.)
Mom and I spent today watching movies and baking homemade "Oreos". We plan to spend some time tomorrow organizing our basement and scrap booking. And maybe, if we're feeling adventurous, we'll go outside and play. but we will definitely be bringing Muddy (our dog) inside, even though, being the spoiled dog she is, she has a huge house with heated carpet!

Around four or five this evening, the call came that school was canceled for tomorrow as well!
I know that many people don't care for the snow, and I don't if I have to go anywhere, but when there is a lot of snow and we can just stay home, I really love the snow. It is beautiful and magical.
So tell me, how much snow have you had this winter? How do you feel about snow? What are your favorite snow day activities?