Friday, March 14, 2014

Spring Pause

Today is the first day of spring break. Or "Spring Pause" as my band director has dubbed it. (Due to it's shortness. Only 5 days, including the weekend!)  We're going out to eat for my Uncle Scott's birthday tonight. I'm excited to see him open his presents! He has Downs Syndrome and loves calenders and dates, he always knows what's going on! :) We got him a calender, a tee-shirt, and a sports poster.
Here is a picture of all of the siblings (my Mom and her siblings) together:
 Scott is at the far right, Mom is in the green:

We're also thinking about painting my bedroom, right now it's a hideous pepto-bismol pink. I'm thinking about painting it a light blue/turquoise/sea foam. My room is so small and is mainly dominated by my huge bunk bed. The bright pink makes it feel smaller. It doesn't help that my carpet is TARDIS blue! I love my carpet, but it clashes horribly, if I paint my room blue, it won't clash. Overall, I think that I want my room light turquoise with lots of orange and a few pink accents. 
This is a photo of my Christmas tree, but it shows both carpet and walls:
Well, I gotta go! Bye!

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