Monday, March 24, 2014

Spring Ready and Cold

Hi guys!
I'm so ready for warmth, though I'm usually fairly okay with any temperature. I'd actually rather be cold than hot, I feel sick if I get too hot. What do you think? Hot or cold? (My Mom would much rather be hot!)  Also, I absolutely despise spring storms! They give me anxiety! By far, my least favorite feeling in the world is feeling helpless!
Speaking of spring, my spring break was lovely, though only 3 days long. (a Friday, weekend, Monday, and Tuesday) My cousins came to town for Friday and left Saturday evening. It was lots of fun to see them!

We started state testing today, this year is the first year that we are taking the Common Core tests. The government revamped what each grade covers and tests over. New tests have been written, but we're the "guinea pigs" this year, so the scores don't really count.
I have a paper chain hanging from my ceiling, it no longer reaches the baseboard! I have less than 30 days left! Our usual school year had been from mid-August through mid-May. Last year we got out in early May, and school started early September! This year, we get out late April and reconvene early September! Amazingly long summer breaks!
And before I go, I unearthed some photos I took this past fall while riding in a horsedrawn carrige:

 The Horses:
 The pic. above was a really beautiful car that I spotted here in Buhler, but I don't know who owns it. Which is unusual considering my dad. (Stuart Goertzen, who runs Headway Engine Service south of town.)

 Well, gotta go! Bye!

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