Monday, March 3, 2014

Winter Cleaning And A Snowstorm

This past Saturday night, we were hit with another wintery blast. It snowed (though not much accumulated) and sleeted/iced. We lost power at about 11:00 at night. It went out for approximately thirty seconds and then came back on, this pattern was repeated several times. 
At that time, I was laying in bed reading my book with my booklight. I was startled when my lamp went out, but I still had my booklight and was therefor, not plunged into dark. 
After the lights flickering for about the 3rd time, They went out, and stayed out. I decided to get up and see what was going on. My parents were both still awake and were now standing over our heater vent discussing what to do. I grabbed the battery-powered lantern from my bedside desk and went out into the living room. As it turns out, when we lost power, we also lost heat. 
My dad had found a manual override in the basement, but it was a button that he would have to hold down when he wanted the fan to run. He would have to do this every 20-30 minutes to keep the pipes from freezing!
We would have gone to my grandparents because they have a generator, but Dad would have to stay either way to keep the pipes from freezing, and the roads were really bad. So we stayed home. Apparently at like one in the morning the power came back on, thank goodness!
Church was canceled because of the roads, so we spent all weekend here at home, not that I'm complaining by any means. It was nice and cozy!

So, anyway, I spent the weekend cleaning my room and sorting through clothes. While it wasn't fun at the time, (Except for the re-organizing) I'm so glad I did it. My room looks and feels so much bigger now!

Well, I should wrap this up, I have a Doctor Who episode to finish!

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