Friday, April 25, 2014

Easter Updates

This past week and the previous weekend were absolutely crazy! In a good way though, mostly ;) My cousins came to town last Friday and left on Tuesday! It was fun to spend so much time with them, and I almost felt as though I had siblings! The oldest girl cousin came to my Sunday school class on Easter! We dyed eggs and made dinner together every night.

These are my Easter eggs:

 All of them:
Red with traditional designs:
 The colors aren't really done justice here: the orange is beautiful, and the green is super springy!
 This one is nearly TARDIS blue and says Bad Wolf:

 The next one is probably my favorite, even over the orange! It fades from lavender to daffodill yellow:

 The patterns on this one were totally accidental and showed up on their own!:
 They weren't there until it dried! It turned out to be a beautiful accident!
 Here's a better shot of the red traditional one:

Here I am examining them to check the drying process:

Also, this happened:
 We gave my littlest cousins their Easter presents, Ella recieved a play hairdresser set and Mason recieved toy tools. Ella decided to do my hair, crown included.
 Mason loved riding the mower with my dad:

They are both getting so big! Ella proudly commanded everyone to come look at my hair when she was done. (sorry, no after photos, there wasn't really a visible difference anyway.)

One of Dad's birthday presents (his birthday was Wednesday) was this small gnome that looks like Si from Duck Dynasty:

This past week was our last full week of school for the year! It's gone really fast, I can't believe that I'm almost an eighth grader! We did the math state common core tests, and my science teacher gave us lots of fun projects. Mostly finalizing assignments and projects. School gets out next Wednesday and we have four whole months! We usually only have two!
Also, yesterday my friend gave my a new pair of shoes. She outgrew them and I have tiny feet, so she gave them to me! They are teal Converse and I love them. I offered to pay her. After all, she was giving me practically new Converse All-Stars! But she refused anything in return! (sorry, no shoe pictures yet, I'll have them next time!)

Well, I gotta go finish my writing project. See ya 'round!

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