Sunday, April 27, 2014

Summer Goals

This is going to be a relatively short post, but I wanted to ask you guys something. Does anyone else have this problem? I start the summer break with all sorts of goals, then I accomplish about half of them!

 Last summer, my mom and I made a giant poster which listed all of our goals, however insignificant. We accomplished way more than we did previously. Our summers aren't crazy busy, most of our goals are things like baking a new recipe for cake or trying a new craft.

This summer I plan on painting my room, riding horses, lots of swimming, sewing some dresses, and doing lots of arts and crafts.

 What are your summer goals? If you don't have any, I challenge you to make some. It doesn't have to be anything big, it can be simple, like going for a walk if you find it hard to get outdoors.
Also, please, remember to get off of the electronics, get outdoors, spend time with family and friends, and do something that you enjoy. I know it can be hard to find time in a busy work schedule.
 I'm terribly blessed that my mom is a teacher and therefore on the same schedule as me.

Well, I think that's about it for today, I'm helping my mom pack up her classroom. We only have 3 more school days left!

Photos I unearthed of Mom and I in Linsbourg last summer. We were standing with the blue telephone box. I was in my future companion (Doctor Who) shirt.

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