Tuesday, April 15, 2014

This past weekend was the MCC (Mennonite Central Committee) sale. Friday night, my parents and I ate dinner at the Feeding Of The Multitudes. (the big evening meal, serving only traditional German Mennonite food) Saturday morning, Mom had a 5K run so my grandmother took me into town to watch her. After that, we ate Russian Pancakes for breakfast at the sale.

Saturday evening, my parents had a birthday party for a friend, in the Salt Museum! If you've never been down to the Kansas Salt Museum, you absolutely must go! I didn't go to the party, even though it was family friendly and I was invited, I stayed with my grandparents and played with their new cattle.

Speaking of cattle... my grandpa's Hereford cow had her calf! The weather change sure sped things up! Grandpa says that I can name the calf if I want to. It's a girl, so I'm thinking Amelia. Mostly because she has round brown spots over each eye, and they look like goggles Amelia Earhart might have worn. Also, she's sort of ginger, like Amelia Pond from Doctor Who.
 tired momma and goggled baby!
Sorry for the rough pics. They were taken in my grandparent's barn and the cows kept moving. (bovines are not great at posing for pictures!)

Oh! Before I go, here are some pictures of me in the new Harry Potter Quidditch goggles that I bought:

What do you think? They are suprisingly comfortable, and I'm thinking about adding them to my costume for the Wichita Old Cowtown Steampunk Day.
The link should open in a new window and take you directly to the site, tell me (in the comments) if it doesn't. Sometimes the links throw tantrums and refuse to work. ;)

Well, gotta go!

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