Saturday, May 10, 2014

Sale Day

Today was Buhler's City-Wide Garage Sale. My mom has decided that she never wants to run a garage sale ever again, though she says that every year! This year we didn't have very much stuff, so we sold it at my Nana's house and helped her run her sale. I am utterly exhausted, I made cookies last night to sell this morning, so I was up until approximately 11:30 last night! I got up really early, set up my table at Nana's house, and started selling cookies. I sold around 150 cookies in under an hour! I made $45.25 from cookies alone! I made the cookies entirely from scratch, boxed them, and sold my cookies for 25 cents apiece!
After my cookie stand sold out, I spent the rest of the day monitoring the kids, and I found out just how much trouble they can get into while you run to get a drink!

Before I forget, I want to share with you a few of my recent creations, I made them here.

I know that it might be a little odd that I like making these, but I enjoy it, and I use them to make characters from books I've read.

This one is a simplified version of the next one.

This one is my personal favorite.

My mom if she were a southern belle.

I call this lady the Majestically Beautiful and Valiant Queen. (It started as a joke.)

Well, I really should be going.
Bye! :)

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