Friday, May 30, 2014

Steampunk Day, Updates, and photos

This past Saturday was  Wild West Steampunk Day in Wichita's Old Cow Town! Mom and I went, and had an amazing time! We love steampunk, and have been wanting to attend this event for a while. I had been planning my outfit/costume for a while, but hadn't really done anything to really put it together until the morning of the event! I found a lot of inspiration from the costumes around me, and my costume next year will definitely be much more planned out! :)
Now, on to the pictures!

This was taken in the morning, so my goggles were still on. I have lots to add to my costume for next time!

This was taken in one of the old houses, later in the afternoon. I had given up on going without my glasses!

Someone had brought their pet kangaroo, it was incredibly soft! He was 4 years old and very gentle and friendly! I think that he was softer than a rabbit! 

The phrenologist was one of my favorite parts! He was fascinating, and had a great sense of humor!

Phrenology is an old study of tiny organs that were supposedly in the brain, the size of which developed different parts of your personality.

The phrenologist in action!
The next shots are mostly of the other attendees:
This gentleman was on a penny farthing!

The woman in red even had extend able wings!

A steampunk Darth Vader!

I thoroughly enjoyed the stables, and was hoping for a stagecoach ride, but the lines were too long.

Well, I think that's about it! I definitely recommend going, and if you don't know much about steampunk, they have a demonstration called, "Steampunk 101" to help!
I believe that I linked the site in a previous post, but in case not, here it is!

Now I just have to get my Rose Tyler costume ready for Smallville Comic Con!

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