Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Recent Book Favorites

Sorry I haven't posted in a while guys! We've been super busy with loads of little things! Also, my room is nearly done!
This is looking in through the doorway.

This is from the same spot as the 1st photo, but a little closer.

The top of my dresser.
The other side of the room.

My lovely daybed!
 I have a few things to put back, and I'd like to hang a few items on the walls, but other than that it's done!
We actually got the bed for $30 online. When we went to pick it up, we realized that it was not actually white, (it had been listed as a white iron twin daybed) but a sort of beige-ish flesh toned. Mom painted it white, and now it is much prettier.

These are from this past spring, for comparison:

from the doorway.

Also, if you haven't been to the Hutch Public Library lately, their teen summer reading program is Doctor Who themed! I read 5 novels last week, so I got to pick a prize:

I got Jammie Dodgers! The book is entitled: "The Official Quotable Doctor Who - Wise Words From Across Space And Time"! (I got it at Bluebird Books here in hutch!)

Today, Mom and I stopped in at Sally's Beauty Supply and bought turquoise semi-permanent hair dye! We're going to dye a streak of my hair!

On another note, I have recently discovered the Grisha Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo. They are my new favorite books! Part romance, part fantasy, part sci-fy! 

Book One:  Shadow and Bone

 Book Two: Siege and Storm

Book Three: Ruin and Rising

I've read books 1 and 2. Book 3 came out last week, so it'll be about another week before I can order it in paperback. I'll post a review once I've finished book 3! The author has written other novels that are set in the same world and with the same characters, like companion novels. I haven't read any of the companion novels, but I hope to!

Well, I gotta go!

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